Summer in the city

At Ripple and RCI, we move in a world of extremes: major breakthroughs and heart-wrenching failures, the brightest hope and the deepest darkness, love and violence. For the past several months, our friends have been living in a state of limbo, not sure whether there will be a shelter for them to sleep in this winter. Major changes at St. Paul's - where RCI was born and nurtured - have fueled anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Questions abound, and we don't always have good answers. 

We've had some pretty rough days.

But, hey, we've also had some pretty amazing days! So here we will stay, with our friends in the in-betweens. Here are some photos of our beautiful bright spots from this spring and summer. Take a look - and be grateful with us - for summer field days, water balloons, blankets for refugee children, incredible volunteers, good friends, caring hearts, and a community where everyone is welcome.